Monday, November 25, 2013

The Lovely Marshmallow

Marshmallow (Althea officinalis) is such lovely plant! Really! There is not one thing not to love about it! It is quite lovely looking much like a Hollyhock. It has been cultivated for over 2,000 years. Althea comes from the Greek word "altho" meaning cure The root was used to make marshmallows before we came up with how to make the synthetic ones. The mucilaginous properties that helped make marshmallows are what also make it a great winter herb.  It belongs to the Demulcent category of herbs, meaning it is slimy. This slimy quality soothes our bodies' mucous membranes.

Marshmallow due to its soothing qualities is excellent for sore throats. It moistens the lungs raw from dry cough. It also has ant-congestion properties making ideal for the cough and colds.  It is not only for colds and throats, it coats gastric ulcers and soothes bladders irritated from infections.

The best way to use Marshmallow is by making a cold infusion. Place some marshmallow root in a jar(1/4 of the jar). Fill the rest of the way with lukewarm water. Place in the frig for 4 hours. By doing a cold infusion, you preserve the coating properties.

Diabetics should not take marshmallow because it interferes with glucose levels. Anyone on prescription medication should not take it. Due to its coating properties it interferes with absorption

Hoping you and yours are staying healthy!

Now for the disclaimer: This is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please seek the advice of medical professionsl

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