Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Making Your Own Herbal Multivitaman

I hope this day finds you healthy, happy, and blessed!
Have you ever considered you could make your own multivitamin instead of buying them?  First and foremost, it is best to get your nutrition from whole, preferably organic foods.  Sometimes our bodies need an extra boost.  I am going to show you how to make herbal vitamin tea!
What you need:
Nettles: are rich in vitamin C, A
Alfalfa: has large amounts of vitamin K
Dandelion: this humble little flower is filled with iron and calcium
Red Raspberry: has vitamins C, E, and A
Oats: are rich in vitamin B
Rosehips: are loaded with vitamin C.

1.Gather your herbs: 3part Nettles, 3 parts Alfalfa, 2 parts Dandelion, 2 parts Red Raspberry, 2 parts Oats, 1 part Rosehips.

2.Since I am making enough for a quart jar, I use the following measurements for my parts: 3/4 C for 3 parts, 1/2C for 2 parts, 1/4C for 1 part.

3.Mix all together and store in airtight container.

To make a tea: take 2 tbsp. of the tea and add 1 cup of boiling water. Let steep for 15 minutes and enjoy! You could  make a concentrated cup of tea with 4 tbsp., then after it cools, pour in quart jar and fill with cold water. Store in the frig and drink a cup every morning! :)
You can buy the herbs from us to make your own or buy the finished tea: $8 for a pint or $16 for a quart.
You can also make a tincture with this mixture, but we will save that until next time.;)

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