Saturday, August 10, 2013

Dried Herbs for Sale

Folks ask we all the time what herbs we have for sale. Most we grow organically here from non-gmo seed or plant starts. Others we buy organic in bulk, simply because we can't grow them due to climate, we just started growing them this year, or crop failure. We have lost some to this rainy Summer. :( If there is something you need that is not on the list let me know.

Leaves:                                              Flowers:                    Berries:
Plantain                                             Red Clover                Elder
Ginkgo                                              Chamomile
Lemon Balm                                     Elder
Comfrey                                            Evening Primrose
Meadow Sweet                                 Calendula                          
Sage(ceremonial and culinary)         Seeds:
Skullcap                                            Fennel
Evening Primrose                             Fenugreek
Rosemary                                         Anise
Ashwagandha                                    Roots:
Wood Betony                                    Comfrey
Epazote                                             Astragalas
Mullein                                             Dandelion
Arnica                                               Valerian
Catnip                                                Licorice
Lemon Verbena                                
Chocolate Mint                                  Bark:
Nettles                                               Slippery Elm
Red Raspberry

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Making Your Own Herbal Multivitaman

I hope this day finds you healthy, happy, and blessed!
Have you ever considered you could make your own multivitamin instead of buying them?  First and foremost, it is best to get your nutrition from whole, preferably organic foods.  Sometimes our bodies need an extra boost.  I am going to show you how to make herbal vitamin tea!
What you need:
Nettles: are rich in vitamin C, A
Alfalfa: has large amounts of vitamin K
Dandelion: this humble little flower is filled with iron and calcium
Red Raspberry: has vitamins C, E, and A
Oats: are rich in vitamin B
Rosehips: are loaded with vitamin C.

1.Gather your herbs: 3part Nettles, 3 parts Alfalfa, 2 parts Dandelion, 2 parts Red Raspberry, 2 parts Oats, 1 part Rosehips.

2.Since I am making enough for a quart jar, I use the following measurements for my parts: 3/4 C for 3 parts, 1/2C for 2 parts, 1/4C for 1 part.

3.Mix all together and store in airtight container.

To make a tea: take 2 tbsp. of the tea and add 1 cup of boiling water. Let steep for 15 minutes and enjoy! You could  make a concentrated cup of tea with 4 tbsp., then after it cools, pour in quart jar and fill with cold water. Store in the frig and drink a cup every morning! :)
You can buy the herbs from us to make your own or buy the finished tea: $8 for a pint or $16 for a quart.
You can also make a tincture with this mixture, but we will save that until next time.;)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Life at Turtle Mountain

I want to welcome you to our little herb farm on the mountain, Turtle Mountain Herbs. Grab some iced herb tea and sit a spell while I tell you a story! ;)   In the Fall of 1995, my husband and I began to search for a place in the country. After living in town for merely a year, we had had enough.  All the "bottom land" was out of our price range.  That is when we found our beloved little mountain.  She had been bulldozed and piles of garbage mired her beauty, but the price was right for 2 youngins starting out.  We have put in many long days, months, and now even years in restoring our little mountain. She has rewarded us handsomely over the years. To some, she appears to be scruffy and small,but we saw her potential beauty from the beginning!

Our initial dream was to start a medicinal herb farm.  We made a feeble attempt those first years, but folks weren't ready to embrace it quite yet. Then the babies started coming! From near and far they showed up on our doorstep! :)  We became too busy taking care of the babies to do much with our herb farm. Over the years, we added fur and feathered babies as well: chickens, goats, llamas, sheep, and ducks. Life has been blessed on our little mountain!

As some mamas do, I was approaching mid-life feeling like "all I had done was raised babies". How silly I know!  My oldest began to explore my herb books and asking questions.  Our little mountain had many variety of herbs growing from our previous attempt. I had the herbs, the knowledge, and family support, so why not? This last Spring Turtle Mountain was born or shall I say our little mountain, finally got her name.

Her name, you ask: "How did we come up with that?" Well, my Dad who instilled in me the love of nature and particularly plants, always wore a jade turtle.  It was a connection for him to his Cherokee past. His death three years ago, pushed me to rethink my life and was the catalyst to walk the path to herbs again. Our little mountain is also gives shelter to the endangered Box Turtle. After naming her, Turtle Mountain, my daughter found a book of Cherokee stories at the library. One was about the Box Turtle.  Guess what the turtle's job was?  The herb healer! :)

My plan for the blog is to share how to make your own medicine, identify herbs, and provide in depth knowledge of individual herbs.  I will have the finished medicine for sale from our wee apothecary.  I will also have "packages" of herbs available to make the medicine yourself.  Our shelves will be stocked with as many local herbs as we can grow and wildcraft. For those we can't grow, we will provide them in bulk for your purchase from larger organic sources!

Come walk this journey with us! Enjoy some pictures of our farm!
our wee greenhouse

herbs, herbs and more herbs!

                                                        sweet Fuzzybutt!
                                         precious Daffodil!

                                         Kefa, the mighty protector!